Our Family

Our Family

Friday, February 27, 2009

PA Day

So, here in ontario its a PA day. originally I was supposed to be babysitting for the day, but unexpectedley I was let off the hook. So, early this morning I called Latchkey and sent Chloe and Amber off for the day so that I could get my groceries and a bit of a break. after being out all morning I had a relaxing afternoon, and by three it was too quiet so I went and picked Amber up. Chloe is actually going on a sleepover tonight and as she's been begging for a sleepover for a long time now, she is over the moon! Me and amber headed to blockbuster with Tabitha in tow and rented some movies. We watched the return of peter pan and Aladdin and the King of Thieves. Amber thouroughly enjoyed our little movie night, and by the time the movies were done it was Tabitha's bedtime. I've actually been fighting a cold and not feeling so great so today was a good change of pace. yesterday, before all the rain started I got to surveyying my back yard to see what the winter damage was and I came accross my onion plants that I had put in the garden just for fun in the summer to see what would happen. I actually thought they had died in the summer and was suprised to see fresh shoots and some thriving onions!! I thought i took a picture of it but realized my memory card was not in the camera,..stupid me. so I have no exciting pictures at the moment. Anyway, that's it for now, I need to go rest as I'm really starting to feel a cold coming on.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Masterpiece!

Inspired by the upcoming RS anniversary program that we are doing called Women at the Well, I have begun making some mock stained glass windows using tissue paper and glue and please not this picture was drawn by yours truly! I have 3 more to make. we are going to put them up on the wall to decorate with. I have also been busy making a well out of pop cans which will be paper mached and painted.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another Busy Day

So, its wednesday again and Matthew had the day off, but I didn't. It was nice enough to take Tabitha for a little walk though, and we both enjoyed some fresh air. I spent the afternoon babysitting, then I dropped my kids off to be babysat so that I could get some visiting teaching done. That was pretty fun we get up to some really good conversations when out visiting teaching. I tell you getting that break from kids was divine! I have actually finished a really cool piece of artwork and was going to take a picture of it tonight to post, but as it's getting late I think I will do it tomorrow...famous last words eh! So Lesley my most wonderful sister in law was kind enough to spruce up my background for me. and of course since she knows my password I have to be careful to say only good things hehe! That's ok I only have good things to say about her, I am lucky to have her in my life. Anyway it is getting late and I have a few things left to do before calling it a night so I PROMISE to post that art picture tomorrow! and maybe even some new ones of the kids

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wrapping up the day Feb 24

Today was a busy day. I meant to take my camera with me to the RS social tonight and I totally forgot. After giving one of the girls a ride home that I babysitt, I got everyone ready and dropped them off to the neighbors and was able to have a kid free night chatting and knitting with the ladies. there were 5 of us all together and I also brought newspapers to cut up because I have some pretty nifty art decoration ideas on the go to decorate for our upcoming RS anniversary party. Anyway its getting late tomorrow will be another day.

This Is My Final Attempt!

So I've been pretty pitiful at blogging. I can't even remember the name of my other blog so here I am starting all over again! I suppose the next thing to do would be post some pictures on here but since chloe is just arriving home from school I'll hold off on that. I have to go soon and pick up one of the girls I babysitt. So my first entry will be pitiful I'm afraid. Til next time Keep Safe and Have Fun!