Our Family

Our Family

Friday, April 24, 2009

Time Flies when you're having fun !!

Ok, I have been totally blog negligent latley but the weather has been sooooo nice! today it was 26 and I think i spent more time outside than inside. My garden in the back has a scary amount of roots and weeds in it and I am getting a huge pile of mushroom compost delivered on monday to spread all over front and back gardens, so i've been hacking away at weeds desperatley trying to get as much as possible done before then!!! I had a great birthday even though hubby was MIA a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in a while came over and hung out. we ate pizza and caught up. then my best friend and conviently my nieghbor too came over with her 12 year old step daughter and we hung out in the hot tub playing a tame version of truth or dare after the kiddies were all in bed. I've had some successes and failures with my garden attempts, and have been journalling along the way so that I learn from my mistakes. so far nothing too exciting to take pictures of though as its all beginning stage stuff. Tabitha failed her phone screen test for hearing, and now has to get another hearing test. she is 18 months but reminds me more of a 12 month old in all of her development including her motor skills. So I'm not sure what's up with her but we're about to go on another adventure and find out~! her hearing test is at the end of the month and then we go from there. Amber is doing great at school! she has come a long way! and Chloe, she is also doing great especially in all the areas of communication and being a good friend. (parent teacher interviews were today so...)I still want to try to post every week, but wow, when the good weather comes i spend so little time up here on the computer!!!!anyhoo, That's all for now!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

hope your easter was better than mine...

It seems i picked a wrong time to start back on dieting,..easter brunch at the church was delish! they had cherry cheescake,..so i couldn't help indulging myself in a piece. Its a good thing we enjoyed our good friday because Tabitha got sick with a tummy bug and spent sunday and monday throwing up. Then, Amber and Chloe decided to join in the party this morning instead of going back to school. On wednesday, we got a call from the infant hearing program. They autimatically keep tabs on Tabitha because of a family history of hearing loss. They were doing a phone screen to see how Tabitha was doing. They ask questions to get an idea of how she's responding to noise, and talking etc. Well, she failed the test. So, now we have to take her in at the end of may for a hearing test and see what's up. They are also setting her up with another program called Talk to Me to have her assessed by a speech and language pathologist. That's not to mention the fact that she is almost 18 months and still not walking. Amber's speech and language pathologist wants her to get a neral phsychology test done because they thing she has problems processing commands and questions, but Matthew and I aren't completley convinced of this because she seems to only want to do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it. The poor girl is having a rough time. First, she gets a tummy bug in January, then last month, she found my birth control pills and took 3 of them :( she spend a whole night throwing up...and now only weeks later she has another tummy bug compliments of Tabitha. Tabitha is feeling better today I think its been nearly 24 hours since she's thrown up, but she still is on a crackers and pedialite pops diet for now. Oh, and Chloe who is in grade 3, came home telling me the most disgusting jokes that her classmates are rehearsing at school. I was pretty suprised that it started that early. I explained to her those kind of jokes were not appropriate and we have begun the process of explaining to her all about the changes her body will go through and as soon as I find a good book at the library that will be extended to the birds and the bees. The look on her face was pretty funny when explaining all about the joys of the menstrual cycle. In more happy news my corn seems to be doing really really well and i am looking forward to transplanting them outside. I was hoping to be able to celebrate my birthday tomorrow with the family since matthew has to be gone to Toronto all weekend from thursday til sunday, my birthday being on friday. But it looks like any festivities will have to wait until next week. Anyway spring is here and the rain doesn't last forever so as they say in the book of mormon "And it came to pass"

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Welcom April!

I think my cough has finally disappeared! I've officially decided I need to get back on track with my weight management, and have weighed myself in. Sadly, I gained about 8 pounds this winter. I suppose that's not too far off track, and I should be grateful it wasn't more than that. So my starting spot is offically 155 pounds and I'm holding myself accountable by posting my progress on here. I'm pretty sure all the soil preperations I'm undertaking for my gardening endeavors will burn some nice calories and my neighbor and I have a plan where we will watch eachother's kids while we go get a walk/run in during the week. Today, Amber said she hates Tabitha,..again. I thought sisters were supposed to love eachother? I have no idea my only sister being 10 years older than me, my main experience is in the brother department. i've been having some success with starting my seeds indoors. I actually think many of them germinated much quicker than typical thanks to my professional greenhouse system. but, some are taking the regular amount of time, and at first, I thought there was something wrong, until i re-read the seed packages and realized I still have a week to go before they start to root. I threw my chives out before reading all this, and realized that was dumb. I guess I need to be more patient. just like people, seeds grow differently and need different amounts of water and sun soil to thrive. I realize today just how impatient I can be and that some things can't be rushed.